Enter your address here

How to Use

1. Begin typing an address and a drop down box with best suggestions will appear. You will see the top 250 matches for that address.

2. Choose the address that best fits what you are looking for. This will bring back more detailed information about this address.

The street number and name portion of the address will also be copied to the clipboard for you (if you are using Internet Explorer). You can then simply paste this into whatever form that requires a validated address.

Setup for Automation

The webpage will attempt to write values back to your calling page if you supply the proper query string values. Indicate what document ID you would like to hold the values for the following parameters.

1. MLine - This is the full address including the house number, street prefix, street name, street type, and any secondary enumerators that are found.
2. CLine - This is the full city line of the address including the city name, state name, and zip code.
3. APID - This is the internal AIMS identification number.
4. PropID - This is the Tax Property ID for the parcel related to this address.
5. Num - This is the house number.
6. Pre - This is the street prefix.
7. Nam - This is the street name.
8. Typ - This is the street type.
9. Lat - This is the latitude value for the address.
10. Lon - This is the longitude value for the address.

A typical query string might look like this.

?MLine=MailAddLine&CLine=MailCityLine&APID=APID &PropID=TaxPropID&Num=Number&Pre=Prefix &Nam=Name&Typ=Type&Lat=Lat&Lon=Lon